Okay, this is your all purpose nullifier. This will stop dead any curse chain letter that you may ever recieve. You read this, and if you feel like it, then post it in your blog or journal, and you are forever protected. Nothing can ever harm you again unless you are weak minded enough to believe it. Even if a letter or list CLAIMS to supercede THIS statement, it will not. Seriously people, there is no point in messing with my voodoo unless you want an infinite duration of pain.
That being said, this statement also gives you free rein to turn a curse back on the person who was enough of an asshole to post one of those chain letters in your comments, or to send you the email, letter, etc. To do this, you must send the idiot who sent you the original chain letter, the precise number of copies of the email or comment or chain letter you were meant to distribute (or more). Any retaliation on their part will have no effect, as you are protected by this nullification statement. Besides, if you send them 10-15 emails or notes that state they have to send out an additional 10-15 MORE emails or comments per every copy you’ve sent them and they’ll bug the fuck out. I had some girl I had talked to back in the AOL days literally break down in tears, well, I got an email from her begging me to stop sending her the chain letters, the email was desperate/weepy.
Anywho, please do not distribute this without giving credit to me, but feel free to post it to your own blog, website, or comments wherever, that’s how the immunity works. Refer people to the original post here, or to read the post in your blog or journal. There is no sense in having a protective nullification statement if you’re just going to turn it into another fucking chain spam email.
So there we go:
Thank you for your time. -SexCpotatoes
P.S. and those goddamn question lists give you cancer, stop it or your genitals will most certainly fall off, then come back to life, and screw you until you bleed from all of your orifices. Good day.
Tags: All, All Purpose, Chain, Chain Comments, Chain Email, Chain Letter, Chain Letters, Cry, Email, Immunity, Letter, Nullification, Payback, Purpose, Retaliation, Return, Return To Sender, Sender, Spam, Sugar Chain, Sugar Chain Picture, Superstition, Tears, To
How To Stop Chain Emails and Chain Letters
Okay, this is your all purpose nullifier. This will stop dead any curse chain letter that you may ever recieve. You read this, and if you feel like it, then post it in your blog or journal, and you are forever protected. Nothing can ever harm you again unless you are weak minded enough to believe it. Even if a letter or list CLAIMS to supercede THIS statement, it will not. Seriously people, there is no point in messing with my voodoo unless you want an infinite duration of pain.
That being said, this statement also gives you free rein to turn a curse back on the person who was enough of an asshole to post one of those chain letters in your comments, or to send you the email, letter, etc. To do this, you must send the idiot who sent you the original chain letter, the precise number of copies of the email or comment or chain letter you were meant to distribute (or more). Any retaliation on their part will have no effect, as you are protected by this nullification statement. Besides, if you send them 10-15 emails or notes that state they have to send out an additional 10-15 MORE emails or comments per every copy you’ve sent them and they’ll bug the fuck out. I had some girl I had talked to back in the AOL days literally break down in tears, well, I got an email from her begging me to stop sending her the chain letters, the email was desperate/weepy.
Anywho, please do not distribute this without giving credit to me, but feel free to post it to your own blog, website, or comments wherever, that’s how the immunity works. Refer people to the original post here, or to read the post in your blog or journal. There is no sense in having a protective nullification statement if you’re just going to turn it into another fucking chain spam email.
So there we go:
Thank you for your time. -SexCpotatoes
P.S. and those goddamn question lists give you cancer, stop it or your genitals will most certainly fall off, then come back to life, and screw you until you bleed from all of your orifices. Good day.
Tags: All, All Purpose, Chain, Chain Comments, Chain Email, Chain Letter, Chain Letters, Cry, Email, Immunity, Letter, Nullification, Payback, Purpose, Retaliation, Return, Return To Sender, Sender, Spam, Sugar Chain, Sugar Chain Picture, Superstition, Tears, To